Monday, August 9, 2010

Sexiyama: Manager Embezzled Almost $1M in Fight Money

Yoshihiro Akiyama recently released his autobiography titled, Two Souls: Heel or Hero in Japan.  In it, he talks about a betrayal that pissed him off....check it out;

"It is embarrassing to share this personal story but all of my fight money, the money I've been saving from beginning of my MMA career, is gone. I had a friend who I became acquainted with when I was practicing judo. We became close friends and I respected him very much as a person. But basically, he has embezzled all the money. That's hundreds and thousands of dollars. [Got MMA? says that the number mentioned in the book is closer to a million dollars.]

It's big money, I know!

It's been three years and that person is living a happy life as if nothing was wrong, and I think this is really unfair!  I've been seeking advice from some people to get my money back.  This time, I found a new attorney and, fortunately, it seems like there's going to be some new progress.

I really hope this doesn't happen to you!"


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