Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chael Sonnen quote on being 5-1 to Anderson Silva

"Here's a little something for you "pocket protector/number crucher" types:  I hit Anderson Silva with more unanswered, undefended strikes than any fighter has landed on an opponent in the history of combat sports.  Go count 'em up, Poindexters.

I struck him more times than Quasimodo struck the church bell at Notre Dame.  I hit him so many times that I stopped fighting because my fists bouncing off his melon were ringing so loudly it sounded like a bell, and I thought that the round, and the fight, were over.  Actually thats not true - I actually stopped out of mercy and boredom.

God knows, if he hit me with a TENTH of the undefended shots I hit him with, the ref would have pulled him off me faster than a meth-head pulls the foil off a dozen shoplifted Dristan tablets.  I hit him enough to have the fight stopped FIVE TIMES, in FIVE separate rounds.

Therefore, I consider myself 5-1 against him, even allowing for his tainted triangle which only came after I thought the fight was over, and I had already turned the side of his head into a bowl of porridge with my fists."

- Chael Sonnen

[Is Chael Sonnen just attempted to revive his hype from dying a slow painful death?]

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