Monday, August 2, 2010

James Toney says he's gonna slap Jon Jones

James Toney, while on Tapout Radio - "Jon 'Homo' Jones better do his research before he talks [expletive] about me. He doesn't know anything about me. He's about to learn though because when I see Jon Jones, I'ma slap his ass. I don't play those games. He better learn how to fight before he talks shit about me. My debut fight in the UFC is against a Hall of Famer. Who the [expletive] did he fight in his first fight in the UFC? [Andre Gusmao] Isn't he like 22? He better go find some tapes of me because I'm not the one to [expletive] with and he gonna see that when I bump into his ass. Keep my name out your mouth boy."

nice pinky ring bro....

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